Francis Galton domesticated fish

Home Forums Due September 24 by 11:59pm Francis Galton domesticated fish

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    Francis Galton believed that for animals to be able to be domesticated that they had to pass a set test or criteria. This being to be “hardy, endowed with an inborn liking for man, comfort loving, able to breed freely, and needful of only a minimal amount of tending.’ For atlantic salmon they would be able to be domesticated because starting with hardy salmon hatch from there eggs in rivers and travel all the way to the ocean and return to breed again to where they were born so they must be pretty hardy unlike seabass who are more vulnerable in the wild, for the fish to be able to “like men’ this is not a natural occurrence with any fish and is a very unlikely trait for seabass and for atlantic salmon, for the comfort loving aspect atlantic salmon are more likely to have this trait because they prospered when beginning to farm them unlike salmon which generally hated the containment as reported by Greenberg, salmon also seem to be easier to breed because seabass do not lay all of their eggs at the same time unlike salmon that do, lastly salmon were successfully farmed in an environment set up for them, unlike seabass that require more attention or care than the atlantic salmon. All together I think that the Atlantic Salmon would more or so pass the test to be domesticated more than the Seabass.

    Kyleigh McArthur

    I agree with you, Atlantic salmon would better pass the test than Sea Bass. Sea Bass also tend to shut down their reproductive systems when they are in captivity making it seem impossible to breed them.


    I don’t believe that Atlantic salmon, nor any fish in general can fit the test, considering that we have no idea what they feel about us and that many of them are sensitive to environmental ques to complete their life cycle. however, if we weren’t looking for a complete score of 100%, I would have to give it to the Atlantic salmon over the sea bass.


    I don’t agree that Atlantic Salmon would pass the test, they do meet more points than Sea Bass do but in the end neither one meets all the points that Galton presents to be domesticated.


    I agree that salmon would pass the test more so than sea bass but in my opinion no fish really meets Galton’s model of domestication.


    I believe that neither the Atlantic salmon or the Sea bass fit the criteria completely but out of the two, the better option is the Atlantic salmon.

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