
Home Forums Due November 5 Studying

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    The main thing I did to study for the exam was reading over notes taken in class. I figured there would be a good section of exam dedicated to definitions and historical people so I dedicated most time to trying to memorize those. Aside from going over notes, I didn’t do too much to study. I really should have made sure that I had a better understanding of the history of cod and salmon fisheries because not studying these topics made the essay really difficult for me.

    My approach for tackling exams is to knock out the easy questions first. I read through all the questions and if I know the answer off the top of my head I answer it the first time through. Then I go back through questions, giving a little more time and thought to the answers. If there are any that leave me absolutely stumped then I give a quick guess and move onto the larger essay questions so that I know exactly how much time I have left to do the longest parts. If there is any time left after the essay questions I go back over the questions that stumped me just to see if a little time away might have refreshed my memory.

    For the next exam, I will definitely start studying sooner so that I can cover more topics and make sure I have a good grasp on what we covered in class. I think going through the lecture slices once again closer to the exam by myself would help make sure that I’ve covered every topic that may be on the exam.


    I also like to knock out the easy questions first. Though, like I said in my post also, I need to make a sheet for the terms and historical people as that was something I had trouble with.


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by jdkelly6.
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