Studying for the Exam

Home Forums Due November 5 Studying for the Exam

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  • #196362

    In order to study for this exam, I went through and reviewed my notes as well as looking back at the lecture slides. In particular, I made sure I reviewed the case studies we talked about and how the topics covered related to those cases. This was helpful for the question about the common garden experiment as well as the essay question. When writing the essay, I first wrote down everything that I remembered about the cod fishery and why it collapsed. I did the same thing with Bristol Bay salmon. Then I went through the lists that I made and highlighted the points that seemed most important to me or the ones that I remembered talking a lot about in class. This was how I organized my essay. I first talked about cod and the reasons for their collapse. Then I moved onto salmon. For me, outlining before writing an essay is very helpful because then I know exactly what I am going to say and just have to flesh it out when I write the essay. For the next exam, I will study the people a bit more because I had a hard time remembering who contributed what. Also, I will save the definitions for last because they don’t take as long as the essay or short answer questions.

    Isabella Erickson

    I also had a hard time remembering who did what, an I will definitely be studying the people mentioned in class more for the next exam. I never thought of doing the definitions last, but that makes sense.

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