The Alaskan Pollock fishery can be compared to the Northern Cod fishery in many ways, in fact they are extremely similar in most cases. First, both the Pollock fishery and Cod fishery were viewed as virtually uncollapsible because the fish were in such abundance. Secondly Both the Cod and the Pollock school heavily and rely on large dense populations for safety. Unfortunately, the problem with these similarities is that there are dangerous parallels between the Northern Cod fishery and the Alaskan Pollock fishery. One issue with the similarities is that the schooling makes the Alaskan Pollock a very easy target for fishing just like the Northern Cod was in its prime. If fisheries managers don’t take a step back and learn from the past the Alaskan Pollock could be in danger of being brought down to dangerous population levels just like the Northern Cod were in the years leading up to the closure of the fishery in 1992.
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Fish and Fisheries in a Changing World