Greenberg wanted to propose four main priorities to achieve goals for wild fish and to avoid oceanic disasters. Firstly, he proposed a profound reduction in fishing effort. This should entail less fishermen needed and would in turn encourage higher market prices to support this activity. Secondly, he wants to convert portions of ocean ecosystems to no-catch areas. Not every area in the ocean should be an area that can be fished, key breeding and nursery grounds should be protected in order to keep up the harvestable numbers. Thirdly, he suggests introducing a global protection of inmangable species. If fisheries start to cause problems or become unfair in shares of stocks, the fishery should be closed. Fourthly, there should be an increased protection of the bottom of the food chain. These bottom dwelling fish are growing in use for humans, so they are being harvested a lot and we need to make sure we aren’t exploiting them before we fully understand them.
If I were to add a fifth priority, I’d add a general rule of obtaining up to date research. Often times old or inaccurate research is used as a reference to support the claim that a fishery is either doing really well, or poorly. In order to keep this inaccurate evidence from being used, researchers should be keeping as up to date of data as they can on the fishery. This may be difficult because it takes a long time to gather evidence for certain types of fish in fisheries, but it will definitely be worth the wait.
The four priorities for achieving clear goals for wild fish according to Greenberg in the book are;
1. A profound reduction in fishing effort.
2. The conversion of significant portions of ocean ecosystem to no-catch-areas.
3. Global protection of unmanageable species.
4. Protection of the bottom food chain.
As for my own additional priority, I would expand learning development in the education department especially in the universities and colleges, to create and widen student’s understandings and aspects of the ocean, the fisheries, global protection, and ecosystems.
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Fish and Fisheries in a Changing World