Galton's Criteria

Home Forums Due September 24 by 11:59pm Galton's Criteria

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  • #195976

    The Atlantic Salmon lays thousands of relatively large eggs and a small portion of them survive. This exhibits their hardiness in comparison to Sea Bass of which only one or two of the thousands of eggs survive. The survival rate of Atlantic Salmon is higher than Sea Bass, so it is a better candidate for aquaculture. Next, he talks about a species’ inborn liking for man. Neither Atlantic Salmon nor Sea Bass have any particular liking towards man. Fish don’t really gravitate towards humans in any meaningful way. Like Greenberg said, no one has ever “brought back a pet sea bass.” Atlantic Salmon are better in tanks than Sea Bass ever will be. They don’t try to shred themselves on nets and are receptive to food. Sea Bass reject their food and don’t stay alive in the comfort of a tank. As for breeding, Atlantic Salmon breed relatively easily and regularly. They spawn together in rivers. Sea Bass do not breed freely, in fact they tend to shut down breeding almost entirely in captivity. Domestic salmon can reproduce, however humans chose to make that option more difficult in favor of better breeding options. Finally, the Atlantic Salmon is easy to tend in comparison to the Sea Bass. Atlantic Salmon are born from large, nourishing eggs that allow them to have nutrients to survive for weeks beyond hatching. Sea Bass are expected to catch their own microscopic prey once they hatch. This creates a need for microscopic environments that humans must create if they want to raise the Sea Bass in captivity. Atlantic Salmon definitely passes the test for aquaculture and their ease is why they have already been fully domesticated and even genetically modified. On the other hand, Sea Bass fail literally every category on Galton’s list. This has led to a longer lag time in production of domesticated farms.

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