Reply To: AquaAdvantage, Salmo domesticus, and Genetic Engineering

Home Forums Due September 10 by 11:59pm AquaAdvantage, Salmo domesticus, and Genetic Engineering Reply To: AquaAdvantage, Salmo domesticus, and Genetic Engineering


I agree that genetic engineering is necessary at our current rate, but I have to disagree with your statement that we wouldn’t need it if we managed properly. There are way too many people to support ourselves naturally. If everyone wanted one salmon, there wouldn’t be enough to go around. It’s a necessary evil in our current society. Profit and greed is obviously a negative influencer, but the desire for profit can actually be a great motivator for advancements in society. In short, I’d say I agree with everything you said, except that resource management is the issue with our environment’s ability to support our population. We’ve simply surpassed our carrying capacity and no resource management adjustments can change that fact. Earth never can, nor ever will, naturally support the amount of people we have on this planet.

Fish and Fisheries in a Changing World